Pension Summary

Pension Summary Information

The City participates in the nontraditional, joint contributory, hybrid defined benefit agent multiple employer pension plan administered by the Texas Municipal Retirement System (TMRS).  TMRS, an agency created by the State of Texas and administered in accordance with the TMRS Act, Subtitle G, Title 8, Texas Government Code (the TMRS Act) is an agent multiple-employer retirement system for municipal employees in the State of Texas. The TMRS Act places the general administration and management of the System with a six-member Board of Trustees. Although the Governor, with the advice and consent of the Senate, appoints the Board, TMRS is not fiscally dependent on the State of Texas. TMRS’s defined benefit pension plan is a tax-qualified plan under Section 401(a) of the Internal Revenue Code. TMRS issues a publicly available annual comprehensive financial report (ACFR) that is available online.

Benefits Provided

TMRS provides retirement, disability, and death benefits. Benefit provisions are adopted by the governing body of the City, within the options available in the state statutes governing TMRS. A summary of plan provisions for the City is as follows:  

Employee deposit rate 5% of pay
Matching ratio (City to Employee) 2:1
Vesting of benefits 5 years
Service retirement eligibility 20 years any age, 5 years age 60 and above
Updated service credit 100% repeating transfers
Annuity increases (to retirees) 70% of CPI repeating
Supplemental death benefits Yes
Death benefits to retirees Yes
Military Service Credit Yes, Adopted 1 through 1984
Restricted Prior Service Credit Yes, Adopted 12 through 2005
Buyback Last Adopted Not Elected

Employees Covered by Benefit Terms

City of Bay City has chosen from a menu of plan options as authorized by the TMRS statute. Belton’s plan provides the following benefit level:

Inactive employees or beneficiaries currently providing benefits 129
Inactive employees entitled to but not yet receiving benefits 110
Active employees 155
Total 394

Most recently completed fiscal year for which audited financial data is available: 10/01/2021 - 09/30/2022

Funding Ratio, Funding Basis 92.0%
Equivalent Single Amortization Period as of 1/2023 15.1 Years
One Year Rate of Return 7.65%
Three Year Rate of Return 6.46%
Ten Year Rate of Return 6.74%
Assumed Rate of Return 6.75%

Acuarial Contribution Rates

Actuarially Determined Contribution Rate, Contributions for Calendar Year 2021 10.08%
Actuarially Determined Contribution Rate, Contributions for Calendar Year 2022 9.63%
Total Contribution Rate, Contributions for Calendar Year 2021 9.76%
Total Contribution Rate, Contributions for Calendar Year 2022 9.33%
Contributions as a percentage of covered employee payroll 10.10%

Actuarial Valuations

Actuarial Valuations
Actuarial valuations are used to determine the amount that, when combined with investment earnings, should be consistently deposited into a retirement fund to ensure sufficient funds to pay promised benefits in full and over the long term.  Actuarial valuations also show the plan's funding progress. 

Downloadable Content

5 Year City of Bay City Actuarial Valuations

5 Year TMRS Actuarial Valuations

TMRS Reports

The CAFR is TMRS’s official annual financial statements prepared in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). TMRS’s CAFR provides comprehensive financial information including statements of fiduciary net position and changes in fiduciary net position. City specific information can be found in the appendices.

Important Links

Link to Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts public pension search tool